Fairview FFA Activities

Veterans eating breakfast served by the Fairview FFA.

By: Elizabeth Bok

The Fairview FFA Chapter began preparing for the Veterans Day Breakfast at their meeting on the 7th. After the meeting concluded the members enjoyed ice cream while also preparing table centerpieces, for the Veterans Breakfast. On Veterans Day, the FFA Chapter came into the school early to prepare breakfast for the veterans attending the Fairview Veterans Day Assembly. When the veterans entered the school they got to enjoy their breakfast before being escorted to the gymnasium. The whole school worked together to put on a very successful assembly to honor the veterans. 

(back L to R) Miguel Garcia, Cheyenne Zeedyk, Kalvin Woodring  (front L to R) Carrie Zeedyk, Robbie Bennett, Ruby Elston.

On November 1st, Fairview FFA hosted the Subdistrict Job Interview Contest. There were many Fairview members that competed in the event. To prepare for the Job Interview CDE students have to first, pick a made-up job that they want to interview for. Each individual has to create a cover letter, resume, and fill out a job application form. There are volunteer judges to judge and handle the interview portion of the contest. During the interview, the participants focus on things like eye contact and the rate and speed of their voice. After the participants have handed in their information and completed an interview, they write and turn in a follow-up letter. The top 2 finishers from each division move on to the district-level contest. The Fairview chapter had 6 members move onto the District 1 contest. Carrie Zeedyk, Robbie Bennett, Miguel Garcia, Cheyenne Zeedyk, Ruby Elston, and Kalvin Woodring, all moved on to the District 1 Contest.

Members at the Lucas Oil Stadium for a session

The Fairview FFA chapter enjoyed a great trip to Indianapolis, IN for the National FFA Convention and Expo.

While in Indianapolis. IN they attended many sessions, including the American Degree session.

They listened to a few speakers and two national officers’ retiring addresses.

At the convention center, they also participated in activities such as: the career show, the shopping center, and the rodeo. 

FFA members also took many educational tours including Elk Farm, J & M Factory, Umbarger Show Feeds, and Becks. 

Lastly, they enjoyed a night of top golf before returning home.

Aubryn Viers and Emma Zeedyk making cookies.

During the heart of harvest season, the Fairview FFA chapter decided to take cookies to the local grain elevators. During class, a few of the members baked a few dozen of cookies. Later that night at the chapter meeting, the cookies were packaged and ready to be taken to the elevators. The cookies were delivered to local elevators. The chapter was excited to be able to provide a small treat for the elevators during a busy season.