Tag: Carrie Zeedyk

Fairview FFA Activities

By: Elizabeth Bok The Fairview FFA Chapter began preparing for the Veterans Day Breakfast at their meeting on the 7th. After the meeting concluded the members enjoyed ice cream while also preparing table centerpieces, for the Veterans Breakfast. On Veterans Day, the FFA Chapter came into the school early to prepare breakfast for the veterans…

Fairview FFA at the Defiance County Fair

By: Elizabeth Bok This year at the Defiance County Fair there were many things that the Fairview FFA Chapter not only participated in but also greatly succeeded in. The members got to compete in the Ag Olympics with the Tinora and Ayersville FFA chapters. After completing the two parts of the Ag Olympics the Fariview…

Fairview FFA Completes 2022-2023 Officer Training

By: Elizabeth Bok Over three days the Fairview FFA Officer team bonded while adding their personal touches to the Ag classroom and making it their own. They learned leadership techniques, made goals, and created a calendar for the new year. The officers learned how to work together and be the most successful as a team…

Fairview FFA Officers Read to Elementary Students

By: Fairview FFA Reporter Elizabeth Bok On March 22, the Fairview FFA Chapter President and Vice President, Kaitlyn Zeedyk, and Carrie Zeedyk read agricultural-related picture books to elementary students. Carrie and Kaitlyn shared fun and interesting facts about animals then completed activities and crafts with the students.