Tag: paulding county

Joe Blystone, Candidate for Governor, Visits Paulding

On Tuesday, June 29, Joe Blystone and his crew visited Paulding County at the Cafe at Hollywood to discuss current issues with the residents of the county. He had a question and answer time to talk about the stances of the people that are disenfranchised with Governor DeWine. https://www.blystoneforgovernor.com/policies is the website that discusses his…

Military History in Paulding County

By: Mark Holtsberry Andrew Schilb- Jemina Margaret (Gray) Schilb  This story cannot be told without talking about both the husband and wife. I always wanted to know a little history behind the Schilb Funeral home. Stan and I, never really got to talk about this subject, so here I am, again, on my own.  Andrew…

Paulding County Hospital Gives Back to Antwerp, Paulding, and Wayne Trace Schools

Paulding County Hospital gives back to all three area schools. Antwerp, Paulding and Wayne Trace schools all received a donation to their athletic departments from Paulding County Hospital this past week.  Paulding County Hospital offered sports physicals to local athletes during the school day. Sports physicals were performed at all three county schools for a…


By: Mark Holtsberry Dr. Doctor Craig Goings, I know, the name sounds like a typo, but seriously, this was his real name. He was born in Rumley, Shelby County, Ohio. The son of Joel Westin, who was born in Virginia, March 16, 1799, and Elizabeth (Cole) Goings, born in Virginia, February 5, 1808. Joel and…

Raiders claim Paulding County titles

In the annual battle of Paulding County track teams, it was the Wayne Trace Raiders who swept to the county titles by winning both the boys and girls championships at Paulding. Wayne Trace’s boys totaled 85 points to easily get past Paulding’s 32 and Antwerp’s 22. Riley Stoller won the discus for the Raiders with…

The Reservoir War Dedication

On Saturday, April 24 the residents of Paulding County dedicated a new historical marker for the preservation of the memory of the Reservoir War that took place just east of Antwerp. The commemoration took place at the corner of Country Rd 180 and Rd 177. There were over 110 people present to enjoy the marked…


As of noon today, Sheriff Jason K. Landers will continue the Level 2 Road Advisory for Paulding County. This Level 2 Road Advisory means that roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow and roadways could be icy. Only those individuals who feel it is necessity to travel should be on the roadways. Sheriff Landers…

2020 Paulding County Unofficial Summary

Paulding County Unofficial Summary Paulding County is certainly a red county when it comes to the national elections, but in the county the results go both ways. The most contested races appeared to be for the County Commissioner seat, where Clint Vance took the lead, winning by a 67% of the vote over Tom Sinn.…

Changes in WMEA Recycling Program

The WMEA Program is cancelling all Paulding County Recycling pickups through the end of April. Hopefully, we will be able to resume our regular schedule of pickups effective May 1. The exception will be the Paulding pickup which is still the first Saturday of the month from 9-11 at the Paulding County Fairgrounds. This decision…

Paulding county new facebook page

If you are wondering what is going on in Paulding County, there is a new Facebook page to find out. Check out “Visit Paulding County Ohio” to get a list of events and if you have an event to promote you can fill out the Google form or email pcohioinfo@gmail.com to have the event listed.…

Ann’s Bright Beginners meet the dog warden!

The summer kids at Ann’s Bright Beginnings Preschool got to meet our Paulding County dog warden!  Deputy Skylar Maassel brought along his puppy, Brutus, and we got to hear all about his job AND play with his pup!  Shown here with Officer Maassel and Brutus is Levi Athy, Isaac Miller, Jeremiah Sajuan, Henry Clark, Levi…

Nursing Home Residents Explore Owls & Geology

By: Patrick Troyer, Paulding SWCD  Residents in Paulding County nursing homes have been learning why we need to give a “hoot” about owls and about the amazing world of geology. During recent programs, residents had the opportunity to enjoy hands on learning by dissecting owl pellets and seeing some amazing rock samples. Owls formed the…