2020 Paulding County Unofficial Summary

Paulding County Unofficial Summary

Paulding County is certainly a red county when it comes to the national elections, but in the county the results go both ways.

The most contested races appeared to be for the County Commissioner seat, where Clint Vance took the lead, winning by a 67% of the vote over Tom Sinn. The other seat was between Roy Klopfenstein and Franklin Robey Jr. Klopfenstein came out on top by 78% of the vote.

Other seats retained by Joe Burkard, Ann Pease, Jason Landers, Carol Temple, Lou Ann Wannemacher, Travis McGarvey, and Joseph Kuhn as they were all unopposed.

Paulding County voters at the state level Diana Fessler got the seat for the State Board of Education, as she ran unopposed. Sharon Kennedy took the seat for the Justice of the Supreme Court by a nearly 68-32% margin. Judi French took the seat at 52% vs Jennifer Brunner at 47%. The Court of Appeals went to Mark Miller as he was unopposed. 

Antwerp Cemetery replacement levy, Broughton current expense levy, Haviland current expense levy, Melrose Fire levy, Oakwood Village Fire levy, Paulding Village EMS levy, Payne Village Police Levy, Scott Village Levy, Carryall TWP Fire and EMS levy, Carryall TWP Cemetery Levy, Harrison Twp levy, Antwerp LSD Levy, Vantage Levy, and the Paulding County senior Center Levy all passed. Melrose Village Parking Regulation failed by one vote.

Paulding County approved of Donald Trump by 74%. There were 9371 vote casts out of 12811 – 73% voter turnout.

Statewide, Donald Trump won 53.36% of the vote while Joe Biden won 45.19%. Jo Jorgenson won 1.13% of the vote. Bob Latta defeated Nick Rubando 68-32%. Sharon Kennedy won 55% over John O’Donnell and Jennifer Bruner Defeated Judi French by 55%. 

The write-ins have yet to be counted in the tallies.