Hall honored recently at Payne Fire Department

Payne Volunteer Fire Department recently honored Lt. John Hall for 50 years of servicing the Payne Fire Department. John is planning to continue on serving the department, but was surprised by his fellow firemen, EMTs, friends, and family when he was presented with a commemorative ax as well as a certificate of recognition from the…

This week on PCBW: Greg Bostleman of NASG

Hear it here! Tune in as host Tim Copsey interviews North American Stamping Group (NASG) Operations Manager Greg Bostleman. Greg will discuss how NASG is a Tier II seat frame supplier and some of the great customers they serve including Tesla! Yes, right here in Paulding County NASG manufactures and supplies armrests for Tesla! NASG stays on the…

Oakwood Library Assoc. Hosts Delicious Event!

Many guests enjoyed 30 servings of chocolate at the 2 night event in Oakwood recently. The Oakwood Library Association hosted their annual fundraiser event, the Chocolate Extravaganza on March 14 & 16, 2023. This year’s theme was ‘Spring Fling’. The organization made approximately $2500 for the Cooper Community Library. “It’s a lot of work, but…

Military History in Paulding County

By: Mark Holtsberry William Samuel Barnard was the son of Cyrus, born 1853 in Ohio and Catherine” Kitty” (McKevitt) Barnard, born 1851 in Ohio. This couple was married August 10, 1872 in Paulding. In this union, four sons were born. Alma Darious November 3, 1872, Edward Frank born January 19, 1874, George Earnest August 20,…


Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker One thing we don’t ever want to take for granted is our mobility. One such body part is our feet. Our feet enable us to run, walk, jump and dance can slow us way down if they hurt. Now, a lot of people aren’t really ones that look…

Dr. Morell & Adolf Hitler

Dr. Morell was a prominent doctor in Germany, in the 1930s and 40s. He was a doctor to Berlin’s elite. I would like to explain his modis apperandi. Remember in those days doctors made house calls on occasion, as did my doctor, when I was a lad. Dr. Morell is invited to the residence of…