Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker

One thing we don’t ever want to take for granted is our mobility. One such body part is our feet. Our feet enable us to run, walk, jump and dance can slow us way down if they hurt.

Now, a lot of people aren’t really ones that look at feet and may just ignore them until they hurt. Known as sweaty, smelly and perhaps linty, feet are often under appreciated. The unsung heroes of the human body, your feet deserve to be worshiped and revered for the hard work they do.

It feels so good to soak our tootsies and yes, trim the nails. Did you know the average person takes nearly 10,000 steps a day? The average woman walks 3 miles more a day than the average man. (That is something I did not know). However stop and think about it. Women usually gets groceries, takes care of kids, does laundry and a host of other household duties. 

One thing that is important is wearing shoes that make you feel comfortable. I am guilty of wearing shoes that hurt my feet and I would limp all day, just because they were cute.        

Ok one of the most important things people say is, “Ewww. Your feet stink”. Did you know there are 250,000 sweat glands in your  feet? Sweat glands in the feet produce as much as half a pint of moisture each day. 

Madeline Albrecht is the lucky owner of the record for most feet sniffed. While working for a research company testing footcare products for Scholl, she sniffed around 5,000 feet per day.

Matthew McGrory holds the record for  the biggest feet, wearing US size 28½ shoes. Cost of a pair of these $22,745  Wow.  Hope they were stylish.

Feet can tell all your  secrets… early symptoms for diabetes, arthritis and circulatory. 

It is estimated that the first shoes were created 5,000,000 years ago during the Ice Age, perhaps made from animal skins. 

Well I am thankful for my feet and my legs. I will only wear shoes that feel right. 

What are your thoughts about feet? (Well I have a secret). I have a tattoo on my toe. shhh don’t tell!