Dobos, Klopfenstein Introduce Legislation Exempting Milkweed Seed Distribution

State Reps. Dave Dobos (R-Columbus) and Roy Klopfenstein (R-Haviland) recently introduced legislation that exempts certain non-commercial seed-sharing activities from laws governing seed labeling, inspection, and advertising. 

The legislation will allow the Ohio Prairie Association (OPA) to distribute milkweed seeds non-commercially among its members to promote habitats, especially for monarch butterflies around the state. 

“The bill will exempt the distribution of milkweed seeds when its purpose is for the conservation of threatened species or the planting, creation, and propagation of native plant habitats,” said Dobos.

“Monarch populations have declined rapidly in the last decade,” said Klopfenstein. “By allowing OPA to distribute milkweed seeds, food sources for monarch caterpillars and a place for monarch butterflies to lay eggs will increase.”

The proposed legislation awaits a bill number and committee assignment.