“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!”

– Matt 

Shopping Confusion & Proof Reading

I am not sure if others have had similar experiences, but on heading out the door to run errands, I will ask my wife, “Need me to pick anything up if I have time?” She will often say something like “milk,” “butter,” or “cheddar cheese.” And I will zoom out the door. As I go through my list of errands, I will eventually make it to the grocery store. When I get to the right aisle for the needed item, I will realize that I need more information. How much cheddar did she need? Shredded, sliced or a block? What kind of cheddar? Etc. I will call her to find (like always when I need grocery store information), she can’t be reached. I will have to decide whether to guess, buy nothing, or buy one of each. I usually guess, and on coming home and she seeing what I bought will say, “That’s not what I needed, but it’s okay – we can use it for something else.”

When getting diapers for our son, I was surprised by it describing them with the word “scratch.”  I think this company got the word “Velcro” mixed up with “scratch” – I hope!

Life overseas isn’t any easier when shopping for different products. It usually isn’t because there are too many options (which there often aren’t), but rather the product description itself. Other consumers in the world look at different product qualities when purchasing than I do coming from Indiana. Product marketing experts in those countries have a different way in understanding and appealing to those customer’s wants.  

Far and away, the greatest confusion and humor related to these overseas products’ descriptions are their attempted use of English. Whether in English or any other language, it is best to a have native speaker proofread your advertising when companies spend thousands of dollars to develop their products. With that said, yes, I expect you to find some writing errors in this article.

Something similar ever happen to you? Contact me and let me hear your story!    Matt’s Mishaps, PO BOX 114, Grabill, IN  46741