Antwerp VFW Receives Donations

Pictured here (L-R) VFW Trustee Bob Johnson receives a check from American Legion Commander George Hetrick.
Starlet & Neil Levy pass their donation to Bob Johnson and Shelly Murlin of the Antwerp VFW.

Two donations were received on Tuesday, October 22 at the Antwerp VFW Post 5087. The funds are available to help maintain the building and the organization of the VFW. The first donation was for $1000 from The American Legion in Antwerp. The Commander of the Legion, George Hetrick presented the check to Bob Johnson, trustee. The American Legion in Antwerp has been meeting at the VFW building since the building near the high school football field was sold in the early summer.

The second presentation in the amount of $2500 was by Starlet and Neil Levy who are good supporters of the local chapter in Antwerp. They requested the funds go for maintenance and repairs to the VFW facility.