Antwerp Halloween Costume Contest

Pictured here are the 1st place winners in each category presented on Saturday, October 26th for Antwerp’s annual Halloween Costume Judging Contest.

It’s an Antwerp tradition to decorate, plan parties, make plans, get dressed up with costumes/face paint/masks and celebrate Halloween the Saturday before October 31st. A persistent drizzly icicle-like rain canceled the traditional Costume Parade that is lead by the Antwerp HS Marching Band. Despite the rain, the costume judging went on as planned at the firehouse in downtown Antwerp. The judges had a difficult time deciding who’s costume was the best in each category. There are some creative residents in this town! Overall, Nash Zartman earned the Grand Prize status. The following categories were represented Saturday.


1st place Thatcher and Zoey Friend; 2nd place Amanda, Aidan and Issac Friend; 3rd place Alia Clem

Cowboys & Indians:

1st place Kyler Johnson; 2nd place Jett Johnson


1st place Heidi Rice; 2nd Marshall Rice; 3rd Gwen Carter

Angels & Princesses:

1st place Leni Johnson; 2nd Elsi Clem

Monsters, Hairy Scaries, Witches & Ghosts:

1st place Alliyah Brown; 2nd place CJ Eaton; 3rd place Emerson Morrow

Disney Storybook:

1st place Emery Jones; 2nd place Allison Douglas; 3rd place Avery Parrish

Miscellaneous 1:

1st place Brooklyn Baum; 2nd Allison Rice; 3rd place Lily Zijlstra

Miscellaneous 2:

1st place Nash Zartman; 2nd place Madison Schmidt; 3rd place Carson Hughes

Little Treats:

1st place Aaron Douglas; 2nd place Juliet Dillon; 3rd place Brooke Dzib

Little Tykes:

1st place Lilly Wagner; 2nd place Caspian Dillon; 3rd place Harper Dodge


1st place “Grease Kids”: Ella Hughes, Racley Franklin, Kalli Billman, Camron Pettijohn and Marcelo Cruz; 2nd place “The Little Mermaid”: Edwin White, Lydia White and Emma White; 3rd place “Power Rangers”: Seth, Mindy, Reece, Melody and Revan Bidlack

A special shout out to Antwerp’s AWESOME fire department and EMS crew for a fun-filled afternoon. Bob Addis did fantastic organizing the event; Ashley McDougall helped with naming the winners and Gale Jordan MC’ed the event; Bobby Wales, The Pit Stop and the Pop-n-Brew donated candy. And we cannot forget to mention the wonderful judges: Denise Coleman, Claire VanVlerah and Matt McDougall. This may NOT be an exhaustive list of all the people who volunteered their time on this wet Saturday. If your name was omitted, we offer our sincerest apologies — community is built on working together and Antwerp has this in SPADES! Thank you!