2nd Grade Students at Grover Hill Elementary Learn about Ohio Wildlife

Pictured here (l-r) is Grover Hill 2nd grade students holding the wildlife pelts: Lexi Moore, Micah Sinn, Cole Miller and Staci Miller.

Pictured here (l-r) is Grover Hill 2nd grade students holding the wildlife pelts: Lexi Moore, Micah Sinn, Cole Miller and Staci Miller.

The 2nd grade students at Grover Hill Elementary got the opportunity to learn about Ohio Wildlife before they start on their research papers about an Ohio Wildlife animal. Last week, Staci Miller, Education Specialist with the Paulding Soil and Water Conservation District went into the 2nd grade classrooms and gave a fun-filled presentation about wildlife in Ohio. Her presentation featured a PowerPoint where students were given facts about 25 different Ohio animals and the students got the opportunity to identify each animal and hear their specific animal sound. The students really enjoyed this interactive way of learning about the wildlife native to Ohio. The presentation allowed for students to get a better understanding of Ohio wildlife as they chose their animal for their project. After the PowerPoint, students got the opportunity to see and touch the wildlife pelts and play Ohio Wildlife Bingo. —Staci Miller, Education Specialist Paulding SWCD