Local Church Supports Community Clinic

Charlene Volkert (North Scipio UMC) presents Mark Schlatter (Christian Community Health Care) with a generous donation.  (photo courtesy CCHC)

Charlene Volkert (North Scipio UMC) presents Mark Schlatter (Christian Community Health Care) with a generous donation. (photo courtesy CCHC)

Area churches have worked together in many ways since 1997 to support and operate Christian Community Health Care, the free medical clinic located in downtown Grabill, Indiana. One example is the unexpected gift of $1000.00 contributed by North Scipio United Methodist Church.  This country church, located on State Road 37 between Harlan, Indiana, and Hicksville, Ohio, supports many outreach ministries. They are excited about the work that CCHC does to assist those that need a helping hand and encouragement.

Christian Community Health Care provides free medical services for disadvantaged families who are facing challenges with access to healthcare. Approximately 100 volunteer staff members have provided medical care for over 1000 patient visits each of the past three years!  Patients travel to CCHC from over a 30 mile radius throughout northeast Indiana and northwest Ohio.

CCHC is a community supported ministry that relies on donations from its patients, area churches, businesses, individuals, and foundations. If your family or group would like to be a partner with the clinic, you may contact them at 260-627-2242, extension 7, or by email at info@ChristianCommunityHealthCare.org. To learn more about CCHC, visit their website at www.ChristianCommunityHealthCare.org or their Facebook page.