Wayne Trace Local School Board of Education Meeting Minutes 2/10/14

The Wayne Trace Local School District Board of Education met in regular session on February 10, 2014 at 7:30 pm in the Wayne Trace High School Lecture Hall.

Mr. Duane Sinn led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Pat Baumle, Lisa McClure, Duane Sinn, Perry Sinn – present; Dick Swary – absent.

Recognition of Guests:

Jerry Hessel – new Technology Coordinator

Jan Kohart and Ashley Shepherd – 21st Century coordinators Tim McDonough – Defiance Crescent-News

21st Century coordinators Jan Kohart and Ashley Shepherd gave a presentation on current after-school programs funded by the 215t Century Grant. The presentation included a demonstration of robotics currently used by the student participants.

Report of the Treasurer:

Treasurer Gary Ginter reported that Wayne Trace had received the first half proceeds from the Paulding County Auditor for property tax totaling $1,241,019.00 as compared to first half 2013 proceeds of $722,897.48. Reasons for increase were due to increase in farm ground valuations and additional windmill monies.

14-02-01 Consent Agenda Items:

A motion by Perry Sinn to approve the following consent agenda items:

A. to approve the minutes of the January 13, 2014 Board meeting;

B. to approve the investment report and payment of bills as presented by the treasurer for January 2014;

C. to authorize membership in the Ohio School Boards Association for the 2014 calendar year at an estimated cost of $3,244.00.

**Before we pass the consent resolution, are there any items you would like to move from the consent agenda to the discussion agenda for further discussion and/or for separate voting purposes?

Seconded by Duane Sinn. Roll Call vote: Perry Sinn, Duane Sinn, Pat Baumle, Lisa McClure – All Aye; Dick Swary – Absent

Vantage Report, Pat Baumle:

Vantage Board met recently with no action taken. Annual supper was scheduled for Monday February 10, 2014.

Payne Elementary Principal’s Report – Jody Dunham:

1. We have entered the second round of OTES observations. Teachers are being observed teaching a different content area is this series. Our goal is to have all observations for teachers completed prior to March 31.

2. Teachers representing upper and lower elementary have participated in all of the webinars and presentations provided by the 3 companies being considered for the math textbook update. We wish to thank Chris Feichter for arranging these presentations.

3. The winter cycle of AIMSweb assessments were completed in January. Students are showing positive changes in growth for the areas of math and reading. We want to thank the AIMSweb team for their amazing work ethic, dedication and efficiency.

4. In January, the Student Council presented a check for $700 to the Payne St. Paul UMC Food Bank. The funds came from excess revenue collected during their December Penny Pitch collection.

5. We wish to thank the Payne PTO for providing our students and families with a free Movie Night in the auditorium. On January 31, more than 140 people attended this community event.

Grover Hill Elementary Principal’s Report – Mr. Kevin Wilson:


On January 24 GH had a heater coil leak in one of the third grade rooms. After a long search, Gregg was able to get the water to the unit shut off. Later that afternoon Gregg was able to get someone in to fix the pipe. Once the pipe was fixed Gregg was able to get Wadsworth in to reset the computer system. The entire system went down due to the heater board getting wet from the leak. The bright spot was that the third grade students were to go roller skating on this day and were not in the classroom during this repair.

During this very last cold spell many of the tiles in the kitchen area have started coming up. We have an area that is 2 foot by 4 foot that has come loose along with some smaller areas. It just so happen that the Health Department was in for an inspection a few days later and included this into their report. I have asked Gregg to help me create a list of items that need to be fixed either over spring break or during summer. When Gregg and I finalize this list we will forward it to Mr. Arnold.


I would like to congratulate Lauren Walls for her participation in the Paulding County Spelling Bee. Lauren, being a 4th grade student, was the youngest Spelling Bee participant. The word that Lauren missed was “stethoscope”.

Each quarter we have in place a reward for the students who complete have their homework, didn’t misbehave, and represent everything positive in a student. This time our reward was to take the students to Columbus Grover roller skating. This had to be done over a two day period due to the number of students earning this reward. Can you imagine taking students grades K-6 skating, when many of them have never been on skates before? At the beginning, as you can imagine, we had students all over the floor. But, after 30 minutes they were actually roller skating.

Vickie Noffsinger, GH Librarian, ran the annual book fair this past week. At this time I am not sure of the figures, but if last year is any indication GH we should receive around $1,500. This year with the weather factored in, our sales were not as high as last year, but Vicki feels we should still receive around $1500 in free books. I would also like to take this time to thank Vicki for all of her hard work during this Book Fair.

Congratulations to the following list of students who have been chosen as Student of the Month: Whitney Boroff, Addison Stoller, Corbin Kimmel, Ryley Baker, Tucker Antoine, Macy Doster, Abby Moore, Cameron Sinn, Tatum Tigner, Julie Sinn, Devin Nichols, Andrew Sinn, Jacob Hull, Zoah Wineland, and Jacob Howell.

Mrs. Davis’ classes are working with an online chat line called “Todaysmeet”. With this program Mrs. Davis will be able to give an assignment to her students to work on at home. Then, if they have problems they will be able to contact Mrs. Davis through “todaysmeet”. This will be like having a 24 hour teacher for our students. I met with Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Beining to discuss the many options available with “todaysmeet”. We are excited about the many possibilities we have with todaysmeet.

Kindergarten registration is underway. We have set our Kindergarten screening date for April 23 & 24. This spring screening is a change for Grover Hill. In the past we have always held our screenings in the fall, but after researching the subject, we have decided to move this screening to the spring.

Tuesday I attended a meeting presented by Renaissance Learning. Renaissance Learning has many different features, some of which we are using today. This program would be very beneficial for our teachers as it contains a data base which will help the teachers monitor their students’ progress. At this time we are waiting for a quote from Renaissance Learning.

Jr./Sr. High School Principal’s Report – Greg Leeth:

1. Two hour delay! Postponed! Cancelled! In the weeks since the last board meeting on January 13, we have had just eight regular length school days. Of the other 11 school days, we have had three cancellations and eight 2 hour delay days. In all, the junior high and high school have lost over 100 instructional hours as a result of delays, closings, and programs. The 101.5 hours lost equates to 15.6 days of lost instruction.

2. Teachers, despite the disruptions, are working hard to prepare students for upcoming state testing. At the January 16 in-service, I had every core subject department identify those students who are not likely to score proficient on upcoming tests, and then asked the teachers to create an intervention plan for those students. Currently, we have intervention taking place during Raider Time and after school for sophomores for the OGT. I am especially pleased with the math department as they are providing after school tutoring in math. I want to thank Mr. Arnold and Mr. Langhals for sending out the Honeywell alert to all sophomores announcing the tutoring sessions.

Junior high teachers will soon begin intervention to help prepare at risk students for the OAA. Like the high school, intervention will take place during and after school hours.

3. I want to congratulate Miss Heiby and the Ag Sales competition team made up of Chuckie Chastain, Austin Conlon, Matthew Klopfenstein, and Arlen Stoller for their second place finish at the District Ag Sales contest on February 3. They will compete at the state competition on March 1. Matthew was the first place overall high score individual.

Congratulations also to Mrs. C. Sinn and the varsity cheerleading squad as they recently qualified for state competition at the OASSA Regional qualifier held at Anthony Wayne High School on February 1. They will compete in Columbus on Sunday, March 2.

4. On February 7, Mr. Langhals took 75 junior high students to Olympic Lanes in Van Wert as a Reward Day. In order to be eligible for this reward, a student could not have a late homework, a discipline referral, a failing grade, or a tardy to class during the 2nd grading period.

Upcoming Events:

February 17 – Make up day. School is in session.

February 17 – 21st Century Learning program to use Lecture Hall at 3:15

February 17-22 – FFA celebrates National FFA Week

February 19 – 21st Century Learning program to use Lecture Hall at 3:15

February 20 – Staff breakfast at 7:00 a.m. prepared by the FFA

February 22 – Pancake and Sausage breakfast 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

February 24 – High school band clinic here in the afternoon. Details to follow.

February 25 – High school choir concert here in the morning. Details to follow.

February 25 – Straight A Grant Management Team meeting in Lecture Hall 9:00 a.m.

February 26 – No school for students; staff in-service day

March 1 – Ag Sales state competition

March 1 – Spanish Club trip to Detroit

March 2 – Varsity cheerleading state competition

March 2 – High school band and choir concert at 2:30 p.m.

Committee Reports: NONE

Superintendent’s Report:

Mr. Arnold provided the following updates:

A. Wayne Trace will be participating in the Ohio Improvement Process this year. Initial meeting with ODE scheduled for February 11, 2014.

School will be in session on February 26, 2014 – the in-service previously scheduled for that day will be moved to a later date.

New Technology Coordinator, Jerry Hessel, began transitioning into his new duties this week. He will coordinate the implementation of the Straight A Grant.

Seeking approval of a resolution encouraging the governor to work with ODE in moving the dates of the OAA tests this year due to high number of calamity days.

B. Personnel

Four teachers and two classified employees have submitted their retirement resignations. Recommendation to accept these in order to get their positions posted.

Recommendation the voluntary transfer of Mallory Diamond to the JH/HS, and begin search for elementary art teacher.

Recommendation for Ann Olwin and Annette Baumle to receive stipends for being workers’ compensation safety coordinators.

Staffing for 2014-15 as outlined below:

Grover Hill Elementary:

Replace 4th grade teacher due to retirement

Recommend additional 4th grade teacher due to increased student enrollment Payne Elementary.

Replace 3rd grade teacher and music teacher due to retirement.


Replace art and computer teachers due to retirement.

C. Buildings and Grounds

Peroxide water system continues to gain ground at the JH/HS, with completion expected late spring or early summer.

Forming a committee to discuss the creation of a multi-purpose building at the JH/HS.

D. Events

Congratulations to the cheerleading squad, which qualified to compete in the state tournament the first weekend in March.

For the third consecutive year, our varsity wrestling team finished second in the conference tournament. Also, congratulations to the JH team which finished as conference champions.

Superintendent attended eTPES training – principals may now load teacher information into the system.

E. Operations

Additional Calamity Days – vote is expected in a few days on HB416 concerning the addition of four more calamity days this school year.

SB273 has been introduced that would excuse graduating seniors from attending make-up days following the school’s scheduled graduation ceremony.

Enrollment now stands at 1,021 students in grades PK-12.

Discussion of a new “Young 5’s” program which may require adjustment of kindergarten birthday deadline from August 1 to September 30.

A reminder that contract negotiations are scheduled for this spring.

14-01-02 Consent Agenda Items:

A motion by Perry Sinn to approve the following consent agenda items:

A. to accept the retirement resignation of Joan Boterf as a teacher, effective at the end of the 20132014 school year, and thank her for thirty-seven years of service to the district;

B. to accept the retirement resignation of Mike Bok as a teacher, effective at the end of the 20132014 school year, and thank him for thirty-four years of service to the district;

C. to accept the retirement resignation of Marie Moore as a teacher, effective at the end of the 20132014 school year, and thank her for twenty-eight years of service to the district;

D. to accept the retirement resignation of Anne Gerber as a teacher, effective at the end of the 2013-2014 school year, and thank her for eighteen years of service to the district;

E. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and JH/HS Principal, to approve the voluntary transfer of Mallory Diamond to the position of JH/HS art teacher to commence with the start of the 2014-2015 school year;

F. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve stipends for Ann Olwin and Annette Baumle as worker’s compensation safety coordinators;

G. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, JH/HS Principal, and Athletic Director, to approve an overnight trip for the varsity cheerleading squad to Columbus, OH, on March 1-2, 2014;

H. to commend the varsity wrestling team for its runner-up finish at the conference tournament. George Clemens, Dustin Taylor, and Tyler Showalter were weight-class winners for head coach George Clemens;

I. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and Building-Level Principals, to approve the following resolutions:

WHEREAS, the Ohio Department of Education has scheduled OAA tests as follows:

Spring Administration – Monday, April 21 through Friday, May 9, 2014 (Data file ready for download on June 15, 2014; reports due June 30, 2014)

Grade 3 – Reading and Mathematics

Grade 4 – Reading and Mathematics (Writing is suspended for this year)

Grade 5 – Reading, Mathematics and Science (Social Studies is suspended for this year.) Grade 6 – Reading and Mathematics

Grade 7 – Reading and Mathematics (Writing is suspended for this year)

Grade 8 – Reading, Mathematics and Science (Social Studies is suspended for this year.)

WHEREAS, Wayne Trace Local students (along with many other students in Ohio) have been out of school more than they have been in school after a two week Christmas break due to inclement weather; and

WHEREAS, these upcoming high-stakes tests have an incredible impact on our school report card; and

WHEREAS, students and teachers need more time to appropriately and sufficiently prepare for these tests in order for students to perform to the best of their ability;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wayne Trace Board of Education requests the Governor of the State of Ohio to work with the Ohio Department of Education to push these testing dates back two weeks.

J. to accept the retirement resignation of Kathie Kipfer as secretary, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year, and thank her for thirty-three and three quarter years of service to the district;

K. to accept the retirement resignation of Debbie Kipfer as study hall monitor, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year, and to thank her for seventeen years of service to the district;

L. to commend the JH wrestling team and Coach Dennis Stabler for capturing first place in the conference tournament.

**Before we pass the consent resolution, are there any items you would like to move from the consent agenda to the discussion agenda for further discussion and/or for separate voting purposes?

Seconded by Pat Baumle. Roll Call Vote: Perry Sinn, Pat Baumle, Lisa McClure, Duane Sinn – All Aye; Dick Swary – Absent.


“Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22(G)(1), a motion by Pat Baumle to adjourn to executive session at 8:33 p.m. for the purpose of considering the employment of an employee of the School District, and discussion of the upcoming contract negotiations.”

Second by Lisa McClure. Roll Call Vote: Pat Baumle, Lisa McClure, Duane Sinn, Perry Sinn – All Aye; Dick Swary – Absent.

Return from executive session at 9:48 p.m.


On a motion by Duane Sinn. seconded by Pat Baumle. The Board moved to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

The next Board meeting will be held March 10, 2014.