Tag: Tara

Joyful Words & Gifts opens in Edgerton

Travel north on SR 49 until you come to the “Top of Ohio”, the village of Edgerton. Edgerton is sprinkled with small business and agriculture, shops and a granary, industry and the railroad. Among the shops in the downtown district is a new arrival with a unique foundation. This new arrival is Joyful Words &…

Fossil Fascination!

Ann’s Bright Beginnings Preschool and Daycare recently welcomed Mrs. Tara Miller with her fossil collection. We saw many fascinating fossils and had a great time finding our own fossils in the parking lot! Shown here with Mrs. M are (in front) Noah Lucas, Levi Fisk, Mason Guttierrez, Mason Smith, Lincoln Lucas, Levi Athy, William Fritz,…