Tag: band

Senior Residents Breakfast Program

This is a reminder of our Senior Residents Breakfast Program at the Antwerp School Auditeria Thursday, October 22nd. The breakfast program is sponsored by the Antwerp Exchange Bank. The breakfast will begin at 8:15 a.m. and conclude at 9:45 a.m. Our High School band and Show Choir will perform during the program. Residents age 65…

New Era Begins for Paulding Band

It’s a little hot and muggy when I walk into the empty band room at PHS. A young lady follows me in on Thursday night. Stephanie Habern turns around and says she doesn’t know where anyone else is. I looked down at my iOS device to see the time and realized I got there a…

Harlan Days Summer Fun!

Dan Heath & the Paradise Band to Play At Harlan Days! Dan Heath with the Paradise Band was formed by Dan more than 10 years ago out of a love for music, especially the old standards in the style of Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Bobby Darin, and Tony Bennett. The band then expanded into 50s…

Beautiful “Music of the Night” in Paulding

Saturday, March 28 the Paulding Band Members each played their part for the Music of the Night with the 2015 theme of “Carnival of the Animals”. Usually calling sports names, Mr. Sam Hatcher instead presented the band very well on this fine evening. Spring is a great time for the final concert of the year…

Wonderful Concert by Antwerp Students

The band and choir concerts for the high school students took place at Antwerp on December 18. The evening began with the full band that sounded like an orchestra. The Jazz Band followed with Mrs. Nuell leading both groups. While the Jazz group was finishing up the choir began setting up for their risers for…

Broughton Redneck Jamboree: A Happening Place!

August always brings about the annual festival in Broughton. I talked with many people and there were people from Paulding, Van Wert, Antwerp, Payne, Oakwood and many more, who came out for the 9th year of this hoedown festival! There were many people enjoying the food at the town hall, sharing in the fellowship of…

Antwerp Spring Band Concert Special Surprise

The Antwerp Spring Arts and Music Festival took place on Saturday, April 26. The class of 2014 and the rest of the grades had a great time in their final performance of this school year. The final number for the high school band brought the Antwerp Community Band on stage to perform with the students.…

Marching Band Advances to State after 36 Years

The New Haven Mighty Marching Bulldogs recently competed in a newly created ISSMA (Indiana State School Music Association) marching band class called Scholastic Class. It is designed for smaller bands. The Bulldog marching band has 21 instrumentalists and 7 guard members. Mr. Todd Caffee is the Band Director. On Saturday, October 12, the band competed…