Tag: askme

International Love – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, I met a girl last year when I was on vacation in Germany, she lives in Russia, 1500km from me, I am in Hungary. In Germany, it began like adventure, but when we come home, we started texting and a kind of long distance relationship. It was hard, but after a year,…

Long Distance Relationships – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, I have been dating my boyfriend for about 7 months, and now his work is taking him away for 6 months! We have decided that we want to continue our relationship long distance, so what are some tips to keeping our relationship exciting and strong? —Missing Him Already   Dear Missing Him…

Ungrateful Grand Kids? – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C Back in May and June three of my granddaughters’ graduated. One from college, one from high school and one confirmation. I gave each a card and quite a bit of money. It’s September and it’s starting to look like they are not going to send thank you notes my way. The gifts were from…

Marriage Questions – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, I am thinking of asking my girlfriend to marry me, but I am afraid, not because I’m not sure I love her, but because I am afraid of how we will live together in a real family sense, like having and raising children and how we will handle money together. Aren’t these…

Public Phone Etiquette – Miss C

There were no questions in the Miss C question queue this week. So, instead of answering a reader question, I am going to give some unsolicited advice (and perhaps a bit of a soapbox stance). In the meantime, please feel free to submit your questions to Ask Me… Miss C. I have confidential email (AskMeMissC@gmail.com),…

Fighting Too Much? – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, I haven’t been married very long and I’m surprised about how much we fight. It didn’t seem like we fought this much when we were not married. When I talk to my other married friends, they seem to all be like, “Oh fighting is good for the marriage, it means you are…