Midwest Electric Is Rounding Up & Making Impact

Representing the VWAPAF are Eva Yarger, Board Secretary, and Tafi Stober, Executive Director.

The Midwest Electic Community Connection Fund awarded the Van Wert Area Performing Arts Foundation (VWAPAF) presenting Van Wert Live events with a $500 grant. These funds are specifically used to provide accessibility to the arts for low to moderate-income families through the VWLive Community Impact Program. 

Just how is funding made possible through Midwest Electric? Each month, participating member’s electric bills are rounded up to the next highest dollar and the extra pennies are deposited into the Midwest Electric Community Connection Fund. Quarterly, the Community Connection Fund Board of Trustees reviews grant applications and awards funds to charitable groups and worthy individuals throughout west central Ohio. Since October 1998, the Fund has donated more than $50,000 annually to worthy causes in local communities, including food pantries, library projects, senior citizen groups, fire departments, and more. 

“We applaud Midwest Electric and its gracious customers for rounding up and making good things happen in the region. To witness the joy that flows from the impact of these grant dollars awakens the purpose behind our entertainment vision,” shared Tafi Stober, VWAPAF Executive Director.