Weather Damage in Paulding County

The storms that went through the region Friday night (3/31/23), generated wind gust in excess of 65+ MPH and heavy rains, causing straight line wind damage in various areas of the western and northern parts of Paulding County; fortunately, no one was injured. However, more significant damage occurred to some homes, east of Antwerp, Ohio and north of the Maumee River. The Paulding County EMA received phone calls and Facebook messages of damage to properties near the Antwerp area, once it became daylight.

The EMA began investigating the reports, finding trees damaged or uprooted due to the extreme moisture in the ground, items of all kinds blown in a northeasterly direction. But once arriving at the intersection of Township Road 61 and County Road 424, the damage was more pronounced and the National Weather Service was contacted. The Northern Indiana NWS investigation team was in Allen County, Indiana, investigating the damage and was able to have one of the teams come over right away and gather instrumentation evidence to determine if a Tornado touched down in Paulding County or not.

The storm damage to three homes and the path of damage to the trees indicated wind speeds in excess of 80+ MPH, in a north by northeasterly direction. Initial indications showed a EF0 Tornado formed north of US 24 and was on the ground briefly, went aloft as it reached the river. Official word from the NWS came 4/1/23 as the wide spread damage in the region has kept the investigation teams busy. The three homes that were damaged, were still livable except for the one that had its electric service pulled away from the house when the tree fell on it. 

Feel free to contact my office for additional information pertaining to Paulding County or the Northern Indiana National Weather Service for damage to other parts of the region.

Edward Bohn,

Director, Paulding County EMA