Albright Attended Governor’s Weekend Festivities

Krystal Albright of Paulding attended the Governors Inauguration Festivities over the weekend. The inaugural events were held January 6-9, 2023 in Columbus, Ohio.

Back in August 2022 Governor DeWine appointed Krystal to the Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council. A position she is honored to be chosen for.

Then in late December she was once again surprised when she received an invitation to attend the historic week-end inaugural celebrations.

Krystal recently traveled to Columbus for the four days of festivities. During those days she met Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted, Ohio’s First Lady Fran DeWine, and Ohio’s Governor Mike DeWine.

When asked what was one of the highlights of the trip, she said it had to be going to the Ohio Statehouse for the Swearing-In Ceremony of Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted and Governor Mike DeWine for their second term as Ohio’s Lieutenant Governor  and Ohio’s Governor.