Antwerp United Methodist Church to Become Antwerp Global Methodist Church

At its special called session the West Ohio Annual Conference on Saturday, Nov. 19, Antwerp United Methodist Church’s request to disaffiliate from the United Methodist denomination was affirmed by a majority of the voting members of the conference. This concludes a multi-year process in which Antwerp United Methodist has been discerning how it should proceed in light of the developing situation with the denomination.

Over the last several decades and culminating in the last five years, the United Methodist denomination has been shifting in its understanding of who God is and in its understanding of the authority and interpretation of the Bible. Though its official statement is that the Bible is authoritative in terms of faith and practice, the reality of that practice within the denomination has been eroding. For many, the Bible is no longer the authoritative source but rather one of many sources that are thought to be beneficial, taking its place beside other sources on the “Self Help” shelf at bookstores. Some outright reject the Bible as wrong and irrelevant. 

The media portray this difference as being over the issues of human sexuality. This, however, is simply a symptom to the bigger issue of how we understand the Bible. This big difference extends to our understanding of the nature of humanity and to our need for forgiveness and salvation. Though the words may be the same words used by many Christians, the meanings are redefined to water down the truth of Scripture and the work of God in Jesus Christ.

Another issue at play within the disaffiliation decision is the fact that the denomination’s bishops themselves are not upholding the standards set forth in The United Methodist Book of Discipline, the denomination’s book that determines its beliefs and how it organizes itself. Some bishops openly violate the standards of practice and encourage the churches and people they serve to ignore them as well.

With these issues at the center of Antwerp United Methodist Church’s decision, the church chose to leave the United Methodist denomination and affiliate with the new Global Methodist Church. This affiliation will become official January 1, 2023. The Antwerp community will see a new sign in the front of the church indicating this change. 

The Global Methodist Church was established May 1, 2022 as a response to the continued sway away from the traditional, orthodox, conservative understanding of the Christian faith. It holds to the high authority of Scripture and will maintain the almost 2000-year history and understanding of the faith as passed down over the centuries.

Though the name may be changing, the people and our beliefs remain. We look forward to welcoming you as we join together to share the love and grace of Jesus Christ to a world that desperately needs to hear.