Antwerp School Board Accepts $2,000 check From Solar Company

Dr. Miller accepts the check from the Mink Solar Farm in the amount of $2000 for the lego LEGO STEAM learning options. This video can be observed on the West Bend News Youtube channel.

The Antwerp School Board meeting took place on Thursday, December 15th at the Antwerp School board room.

Geenex Solar made a $2,000 donation to the school for the STEAM program. This is an early stage Solar Developer company.

Bob Herber mentioned there was some changes with the school liaison report but nothing serious. Vantage was a quiet month according to Dennis Recker.

Kristine Stuart presented the financial report for the last month and the entire school year:

income: $587,510.87

expenses: $900,210.68

interest: $24,521.73

42% of the fiscal year has been completed.

Travis Lichty recognized the players of the football team and he recognized Coach Hale as Coach of the Year. Eli Reinhart earned is 100th win in wrestling last week. The winter choir concert is Monday, December 19. The Route 49 Tournament is at Antwerp this year and boys are at Edgerton.

Tracy Stokes, Elementary principal, reported that there has been a lot of sickness in both high school and elementary. The Christmas program was on December 8th and they all did a good job. 

Dr. Marty Miller stated there was a building and grounds update and new power lines will be put installed. These power lines will be put underground – the one at the end of the football field.

Harold Gottke reported that he has been dealing with the security issues on the school system and teachers/staff need to go through a security training. 

Dr. Miller continued with having the 2023-24 school calendar approved. There are a couple of options that are being presented.

Elise Boyer was introduced with the technology department. A $5000 grant was received for the Innovation Center. The funds will be used for programmable robots. The fall third grad testing was very successful. Antwerp was at the top end of both Paulding and Van Wert Counties. The test will be taken again in April to show improvements. Boyer attended the leadership summit in New York City with Dr. Miller and Kyle Zartman. 

Future of Technology Conference will be in January 23-26 with Dr. Miller speaking in Louisiana and Mr. Gottke and Mr. Lichty will also being attending for support.

Band and Choir are requesting approval of their trip to Chicago this year and needed the boards approval.