Paulding FFA Feeding the Farmers in the Fields!

Pictured here is the 23 Paulding FFA members who delivered snack packs to local farmers as a thank you!

By: Caydence Rue, Paulding FFA Reporter

On Wednesday, October 19th, the Paulding FFA Chapter had 23 members travel around Paulding County feeding the farmers in the fields.  

The chapter first started doing this service project three years ago and it’s one of their favorite projects to do each year. The chapter found that it was a great way to support local farmers and thank them for their countless hours of work to feed our world! 

 Paulding FFA members out delivering farmer snack packs to local farmers. Pictured here is left to right is FFA member Tytus Manz with farmers Roy Klopfenstein and Evan Klopfenstein and member Drake Ankney.

The students prepared snack packs in brown bags to give to the farmers while they are working in the field or just may need a snack in the combine. These bags contain items such as homemade chocolate chip cookies, granola bars, snack cakes, chips, pop and a bottle of water. The chapter appreciates Becks Hybrids, Ag Credit, and Joanne Klopfenstein for their donation of items to help fill the snack packs. A hand written thank you note was also included in each bag as well. 

The FFA members delivered over one hundred snack packs to farmers in Paulding County. It was a very rewarding experience for our members as they interact with the farmers directly and learn about what they do every day!  

Feeding our farmers is one way we try to thank our farmers and show support for them! The Paulding FFA is very excited to continue this project in the future.  We will continue to increase the number of snack packs each year!