“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!” – Matt 

Smelly Good Luck

“Good luck” is seen differently by different people and different cultures.  Despite horseshoes and rabbits’ feet, most small-town Americans are not excessively motivated or concerned about whether or not luck exists and if it is at play in a given situation.

Living overseas, we have experienced people who are really concerned about “luck” or lack of it.  The people most concerned about luck over here are taxicab drivers.  Their dashboards and visors are decorated and cluttered with dozens of good luck charms of every type and kind.

Our overseas country has even taken an optimistic approach to call it “good luck” if you step in dog poo.  Dog owners over here (and there are many) have not historically cleaned up droppings after their pet leaves it behind on sidewalks.  I can’t count the number of times I have had to clean smelly dog poo from the bottoms of my sons’ shoes as they grew up.  Despite trying to be on the lookout when walking, our shoe soles seem to have a magnet to droppings.  It is so common a mishap that people over here say it is “good luck” to step in dog poo and be ready for the benefits to come after stepping in it.

A happy dog dropping character encourages dog owners to pick up after their pet or face a fine of $1,700.

However, times change, and local officials recognize the big problem of heavily trafficked sidewalks and an overabundance of dog droppings.  In trying to motivate people to clean up after their dogs, municipalities use the tough approach with heavy fines if caught not cleaning up.  They have used the friendly approach by creating cartoon dog poo characters to encourage dog owners to good behavior.  And yes, they are telling dog owners that it is now “good luck” to pick up your pet’s poo.

Whether good or bad luck, we always leave our shoes in the entry of our apartment and don’t wear them in the house.

Something similar ever happen to you?   Contact me and let me hear your story!    Matt’s Mishaps, PO BOX 114, Grabill, IN  46741