“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!”

– Matt 

Pig Lard Estates

We Americans sure know how to make things sound appealing!  When we are back in Indiana I am amazed by all the nice names for the new subdivisions.  The names of these new neighborhoods conjure up images of rolling pastures, peaceful streams, quiet forests, and bounding deer.

Overseas they don’t have the same creative thinking when it comes to naming places to make them sound very pleasant.  We have a neighboring sea port town that was called “Goat Port” as it is a port where goats are shipped from.  The local government wanted to develop tourism.  They thought they needed to update their town’s name to better attract tourists.  I don’t know if it has helped, but the town is now called “Port of the Rosary.”

My neighborhood must not have tourism or clever marketing in mind as it is called “Pig Lard.”  Yes, this is really true.  It is called “Pig Lard.”  Yes, pork products played an important role in our area and it must have seemed like a logical name to the first organizers of my neighborhood.  I have never heard any present-day neighbors or local officials voice any concerns over the name “Pig Lard.”  

I understand that lard may have an image problem among some today in American cities.  However, lard is doing quite well in other countries and maybe a resurgence among some innovative foodies.  I remember my grandpa telling me stories of taking lard sandwiches for lunch during his school years – he was ahead of his time.  I have warm fuzzy thoughts about lard and I have a quirky pride that my overseas neighborhood doesn’t have any name- change plans in mind.  However, if I were to rename the neighborhood, I would pick the name “Scampering Pig Meadows.”

Something similar ever happen to you?   Contact me and let me hear your story!    Matt’s Mishaps, PO BOX 114, Grabill, IN  46741