Backlog of COVID-19 Cases To Be Added To COVID-19 Case Counts Daily Dec. 14, 15, 16

COLUMBUS – As a result of a laboratory reporting backlog, the 24-hour daily case counts change will be artificially inflated on Dec. 14, 15, and 16. The exact number will be reflected in a disclaimer on the dashboard each day, and will not be finalized until all laboratory files are processed. 

The backlog of approximately 7,699 positive COVID-19 tests was caused by manual reporting errors at two laboratories. The backlog includes both new cases and updated information for cases that were previously recorded. The files are being processed and will be assigned the appropriate illness onset date; however, the 24-hour daily case change will be increased on December 14, 15, and 16 as the files are processed. The positive COVID-19 test results are from a period of March 7, 2021, through December 3, 2021.  

This reporting issue has been resolved.