Penny For Your Thoughts: COUGARS or RAIDERS?

By: Nancy Whitaker 

Since my residence is now in Van Wert, there is a couple of reasons why I like attending VWHS sports. First of all I was lucky enough to have two granddaughters be high school cheerleaders and the second is that this is my alma mater.  

I  always get sentimental when going to basketball or football games because it never fails, when they play the Star Spangled Banner that I get a feeling of pride for our schools, families and our country. In fact, I usually tear up and sing very loud.

Now, at a basketball game,, on one side was “The Cat Pack” who are students that support the “Cougs”. (Would you believe that when I was in school I was in the same club only we were called The Pep Club.) I am still a kid at heart, because I wanted to sit over von the other side with The Cat Pack and pretend I am 16 again. I wanted to dress in the “Cougies” outfit and wave at people. 

The game that was played that particular weekend was an exciting one played against the Celina Bulldogs. There has always been some rivalry between the two schools and this game was no different. 

The whistle blows! Time to play ball. Celina fans were there in their green attire and they could do some cheering as well as booing.

Van Wert got the lead, then Celina would come right back. Everyone was clapping and cheering when things went their way and booing when they didn’t. I got into the excitement and yelled when we made a basket and moaned when we didn’t. What an exciting games as the two rivals  went back and forth on the court and scoring points.  Of course, both teams wanted to win. However, in the end Celina won and another game became history.

It is so refreshing to see our young adults involved in sports and observe their enthusiasm. Just to think of the time and effort  put into these sports events and we and seeing the dedication.

Also hats off to the fans, friends, and parents who attended not only this game, but to all schools who participate in a good sports program. I wanted to shout, “I am proud of our school systems, not just this school, but every single school, win, lose or draw. . 

Now I am a Van Wert fan, unless they play Wayne Trace. Then I sit in the middle and cheer for both teams. When my kids were growing up, they all attended Wayne Trace. One memory that stands out in my mind is that we went to a “Blue Creek” basketball game and at the time my little son, who was around two said, “Mommy when is dis chuuch   gonna be ober?” We still laugh about this today. He changed throughout the years as he is now a big OSU fan.

I am positive that as parents and grandparents it thrills us when we see our young ones involved in good, positive activities within our schools.   Do you get excited at a sports event? Do you ever remember back when you were in school? Do you believe that it is about “Its not about if you win , it’s about how you play the game?” Let me know and I’ll give you a Penny for Your Thoughts.