Penny For Your Thoughts

By: Nancy Whitaker

Of course, each New Years, we make all kinds of vows and promises known as resolutions. I usually don’t make any, but I probably should. There are a lot of areas I could improve in my life, but most of the things I need to improve upon, are things I enjoy doing. Plus, the things I need to do to improve myself, I hate doing.

According to a recent poll, the top promise we all make at the beginning of a New Yest is to either lose weight or get fit. While I would like to get back in a Size 8 pair of jeans, I don’t think it is going to happen. I feel that at my age, I like to eat and why not indulge myself? Of course eating healthier may be an option, however, I don’t think chocolate is on the list of a healthy diet. Noooo, that would never be a resolution I would make; let alone keep.

There are just too many good things to eat out there and I guess my ideas concerning food, would be to taste as many new foods as I can and to eat out as much as I can afford. 

Another top resolution made by people is to quit smoking. However, according to statistics the amount of smokers in the U.S. has dropped by approximately 50 percent in the past decade. I am not a smoker, but best of luck to those who are trying. I don’t know the price of cigarettes but I am guessing about $35 a carton.

Another top goal we may all have is to save more money and spend less. It is an idea to work on, but so many times, unexpected expenses arise and that resolution is also hard to stick to. I do shop for sales and bargains and love finding a “good deal.” I compare prices and cut coupons, but most of the time, I leave my coupons at home and forget what they were for.

Lots of us make the promise to ourselves to relax more. That one I like, except, most of the time I like to stay busy and see what is going on. However napping  is my idea of relaxation. I often think back to the days of “Little House on the Prairie and wonder what it would be like to be “Ma,” and live in that cozy cabin. However, I never read or saw on TV that she ever took a nap. So, I think I will live in the present where a siesta is just the thing to do.

The next most common resolution we may make  is to learn something new and exciting. I had signed up for a self defense class last year, but got the flu and did not make it. That may be an option if they offer another class.

 I also got a set of purple tools for Christmas one year and believe it or not, the only thing I recognized is a hammer. One of my goals and resolutions is to learn what those tools are and how to fix something or even hang a picture straight.

People also have the resolution to spend more time with their family. In today’s world, with all the activities and parents both working it is often hard to make time for family get-to-gathers. But, even if we do not spend as much family time as what we would like, make it quality and make every minute count. I guess I call it quality over quantity.

For some people 2021 has  been  a tough year or maybe it was a good year. Covid has been rampant for the past 2 years;  along with political issues.  2022 is on the way in about 8 weeks and we shall see what resolutions may be made, broken or kept.  But heres wishing everyone a good rest of the year for 2021.

Do you make any promises or resolutions? Do you think they are made to be broken or-do you keep them? Let me know and I’ll give you a Penny for Your Thoughts.