Letters to the Editor

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Our Country

What is happening to our country and the America that myself and others my age grew up in? 

America is the laughing stock of the world, a third world country anymore. It’s like a turtle shell without the turtle, what was a living breathing thing is just a shell. 

There has been several editorials the last few months telling it exactly what is happening. They have put Satan and his disciples of destruction in charge and they are continuing what Obama started. The bringing down of America, but they have done more damage since January 20 than he did in 8 years. 

 Gas prices out of sight and going up thanks to Biden killing the pipeline and putting thousands out of work. They are trying to take our rights and freedom of speech, take our guns while allowing endless numbers of illegal immigrants to come in and live off taxpayers money without doing anything for it, while veterans, seniors and homeless suffer and struggle to survive. And how many criminals and gang will come in with those people to prey on us and they want us to be unable to defend ourselves as responsible gun owners. 

They have taken God out of schools and public places but allow BLM and Antifa criminals to commit destructive and criminal acts and call it protesting. Statues and memorials to commemorate the history of our country are being torn down and replaced with statues and memorials to criminals, drug addicts and people who run afoul of the law and police do their jobs but get charged for doing it. 

They are using this virus sham to turn people into sheep and lab rats, yes something is going on but they are padding the numbers of sick and deaths to scare people by giving it some scary name. I was told by a person in the ER medical field that they didn’t believe it either and what was going on was political. Where did the flu that we get shots for go? You never hear anything about it anymore. This administration has no plans for our country other than bringing it down. Hitler did the same thing to the small European countries before he took them over. 

Even tv and movies are a joke anymore because someone is insulted or calls fun entertainment racist. All we have is boring computerized crime shows, but oh my, they still allow them to have guns!! Then those reality shows that do nothing but show how deceitful people will be to other people for money, and those so called talent shows where people with little talent prove it in front of the world. 

You can’t have entertaining comedy shows like Sanford and Son, The Jefferson’s, All in the Family, any of Mel Brooks movies because they are “racist.” We intelligent people just took them for what they were, comedy!! Everyone is insulted by everything, even white people are a minority now and being blamed for everything. These racist people even want us to pay them for things in our history that they don’t like. 

You can’t erase history, no matter what you do, it happened and our people and country learned from it and became stronger but these racist crybabies just don’t get it. 

I’m glad our father isn’t around to see what is happening to the country he and millions of others fought for and so many died for! They fought to keep what is happening now from happening. He would be sick. He didn’t like Obama although he did give him credit for playing golf. He would hate Biden and his bunch. And how did these people who are not natural born Americans even in there? Omar and Tlaib have ties to countries that we are fighting and just look pure evil and have nothing but plans of destruction for our country. Pelosi is a joke and Warren is a gun grabber and like the rest, surrounded by armed security while telling us we shouldn’t have the right to defend ourselves, our families and homes. 

That whole administration is a den of poisonous snakes. America can’t afford 4 years of these people. We will no longer have the country we know. It’s a shame what’s going on. Biden and his bunch need to be impeached and removed before it’s too late. 

Gregg Gorman 

Paulding Ohio.


I  believe most are aware America is in deep trouble, probably our most dangerous position ever. We’re not being destroyed by a foreign power as one would expect, but by a radical, internal foe much like Hitler when Germany was destroyed. He had them fooled also.

Don’t be afraid to speak against the evil in Washington. Most of them are greedy, power hungry individuals after position and money. They realize it’s the quickest and surest way of becoming a millionaire. Democrats attacked Trump because of his love of God and America.

Both sides attacked Trump because he wanted ‘term limits’. Their insurance of becoming multi-millionaires would be canceled. Democrats didn’t want God and morality to interfere with their anti-God beliefs or their lust for money and power. Trump was like a migraine to them.

Democrats and other liberals don’t want you knowing America was designed on the Bible and that Christian faith grew us. If you continue to support them, America will be like Russia and China in short time.

They are deathly afraid of God and morality, which is why they gave us ‘separation of church and state’ plus ‘censored pastors.’ Their fear also gave us: Forbid school prayer, remove Ten Commandments, dishonorable discharge of military Chaplins praying in Jesus’ name, abortion, gay marriage, perverted sex education, declaring America non- Christian, everyone prays to the same God and more. 

The Obama-Biden administration even proclaimed us Christians as radicals. They often said they were going to change America. Why didn’t you ask how? We were already the most advanced and sought after nation on earth. How could they change us, other than lower us?

How could any reasonable person have voted for this president and vice-president who didn’t campaign in public. The little I got to see of them said neither was up to task. One often got lost in thought while the other was selected based only for being female.

Neither our president or vice-president are doing their jobs and should be impeached. The Speaker of the House needs removed for negligence in office. Had republicans acted so disgracefully, this speaker would have filed charges ten months ago, but being they are democrats they are automatically exempt in her mind.

Socialist take over can be stopped by asking your governor to join a convention of states. He’ll know what you mean. Prayer is your best weapon – use it!

Richard Mastin

Hicksville, OH