What is this Health Levy?

The Paulding County Health Levy (PCHD) is a half-tenth (0.5) mill renewal levy that will help cover the operating cost of the Paulding County Health District for the next 10 years.

Why is PCHD asking for a Levy?

This is not a new levy, but a renewal of the existing levy set to expire in 2022.  This levy helps continue operations and services provided by PCHD.  PCHD is asking the community to support the same half-tenth (0.5) millage voters approved in 2001 and 2011.  Because PCHD has made every effort to control costs over the past 20 years, PCHD is able to maintain the same millage in spite of drastic changes in the funding of public health.

What is Public Health?

Public health is a branch of public services devoted to preventing disease/injury, promoting physical health through organized community efforts and protecting the public from communicable diseases.  Public health responsibilities include maintaining a sanitary environment; control of community infections; educating individuals in health lifestyles; organizing medical and nursing services for the early diagnosis and treatment of disease; and developing the community’s capacity to promote health.

The great thing about public health services is that even if a service is provided to a single person, the entire community reaps the benefits.  Each time a person is immunized, the health of our community is improved.

How is PCHD funded?

The PCHD is currently funded by a half-tenth (0.5) mill levy and inside millage.  The present levy expires in 2022.  Federal and State Grants also contribute to our services in the Women, Infant & Children Program and Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program.  But funding is limited and is decreasing as is our State Subsidy which is received from the Ohio Department of Health.  The remaining portion of funding comes from service and permit fees.

What would the proposed Levy cost me?

The average home owner in Paulding County will pay less than 5 cents a day for continued health services.  The owner of a $100,000 property can expect to pay $17.50 a year to support all of the different services and programs that the health department provides to all residents of Paulding County.  

Who does the health department serve?

PCHD serves every member of our community through both direct and indirect services.  Direct services include immunizations, clinics, etc.  Indirect services are community services we provide every day that you might not even think about, such as restaurant inspections to ensure safe dining and well and sewage system inspections that protect our streams from pollution.

What will I get for my money?

All of the current services that county residents have come to depend on will continue with funds from this levy.  In addition, ongoing development of new programs to meet emerging public health needs and emergency response will continue to be an important focus for the health department.  Without the levy the health district would be forced to limit services to those mandated by law.  It will also increase our response time to requests for services.

I’ve never used any of the Health Department services. Why should I support the Health Levy?

You ARE a consumer of Health Department services, although you may not realize it.

The Health Department touches our lives from birth to death by:

 • Providing birth and death records.

 • Inspecting restaurants and groceries to make sure food is safe

 • Making sure that water and sewage systems are safe

 • Keeping the community free from infectious diseases

 • Making home visits to address concerns about family health and public nuisances

 • Giving immunizations for all ages to prevent illness

• Inspecting public swimming pools and campground parks

These and many other services are provided to make Paulding County a safer and healthier place to live for all of its residents.