PPEC to host Member Appreciation Drive-In Movie Night at Van-Del Theater July 24

Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative invites members to join the co-op for its 2021 Member Appreciation Movie Night as they take over the Van-Del Drive-In (Middle Point, Ohio) for a night of prehistoric proportions.

PPEC members will hear a brief co-op update, have the choice between two movies on two screens, and get a free meal from 3-Stage BBQ. Plus each membership will receive a concession voucher, a special anniversary gift bag, and a drawing to one of five family prize packages.

Kids are welcome! There will be entertainment from TAG Art in New Haven, plus all children will receive a fun activity goodie bag to keep them entertained during the movies.

Tis will take place Saturday, July 24, with gates open at 7:30. Movies start at dusk.

The movies will be: Screen 1: Jurassic Park (PG-13) | Screen 2: Land Before Time (G) at Van-Del Drive-In Theater, 19986 Lincoln Highway, Middle Point, Ohio

PPEC loves our members and wants everyone to have a good time! (COVID has been tough on us all, and it’s time for some social distance  friendly fun!

The Van-Del can only hold a maximum of 500 vehicles. First-come, first-served and is just a 30-minute drive from New Haven, Indiana AND from PPEC’s office in Paulding

**PPEC members are asked to please bring the registration card on the back cover of their July member magazine (Ohio Cooperative Living for Ohio members OR Indiana Connection for Indiana members). This will help reduce long wait times at the entrance gate. Please make sure at least one PPEC account holder/member is in each vehicle you bring to the event, to make registration easy.

For more information or questions, visit www.PPEC.coop or call the co-op’s office at 1-800-686-2357.