Cooper Farms Provides Turkey Lovers’ Month Donations

Paulding County Senior Center Director, Marsha Yeutter (left), accepts help from a Cooper Farms team member as she loads the van with turkey burgers.

June was Turkey Lovers’ Month and Cooper Farms, as you’d expect, celebrated in a big way. They provided a turkey donation to those in need at the Paulding Senior Center and the Northwestern Ohio Community Action Commission for their Summer Food Service Program, established to ensure that children receive nutritious meals in the summer months.

The donation of both deli meat and frozen turkey burgers totaled over 630 pounds of protein combined for the two organizations.

“Turkey Lovers’ Month is like Christmas for us,” said COO Gary Cooper. “Christmas is a giving time, so we thought we’d take this opportunity to share with those in need around us, as we like to do as frequently as possible.”

Protein is the most expensive part of the diet, typically, so in a time where many are still recovering financially from the impacts of COVID-19, this donation was more necessary than ever.

“We’re always happy to give back, and we know times have been especially hard for many as of late,” said Cooper. “Providing a good, quality protein to those in need is the least we can do.” 

Marsha Yeutter, Director of the Paulding County Senior Center, expressed her gratitude for not only this donation, but past donations from Cooper Farms as well.

“We really appreciate Cooper Farms for this donation and all donations in the past,” said Yeutter. “We’ll use it for our senior meal program, some of it will be used for our summer food program. It all comes in really handy, financially.”

To celebrate Turkey Lovers’ Month, the company also celebrated with their team members by providing giveaways and a catered lunch at each location.