God Bless the U.S.A.

Penny For Your Thoughts

By: Nancy Whitaker

Usually they say that the corn should be knee high by July 4, and that summer should be in full swing by now. This year, however, I am beginning to think we are living in a monsoon. My grill is patiently awaiting to cook some burgers, my park benches are waiting for a nice coat of paint and I am just ready for some sunshine. 

Whether you celebrate with family, hang out with friends at a barbeque, go to a parade or to a ball game, Independence Day is a true slice of America. One of the most popular traditions is setting off fireworks and this is usually going on all over the USA, from Maine to Califorinia. One of my family’s favorite things to do on the fourth was to go to see a fireworks display. Packing up blankets, popcorn and drinks, we would head out for the venue  before 10 p.m. 

One thing that was always fun to do, and I am sure it aggravated people, was to ooo and ahhh at the fireworks. If a firework turned out to be a dud everyone would groan and moan, “oooooo.” However, a bright, loud firework would bring cheers of “ahhhhh.” So basically, you could hear oooo’s or ahhhhs all over the grounds. 

Even though it is probably illegal to set off your own fireworks, people still do it. You can sit out in your back yard and hear and see the displays of fireworks set off to honor our independence. 

Of course, not to be completely lost in all the fun is the holiday’s true meaning: the legal separation of the American colonies from Great Britain, and the commemoration of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Arguably the day’s biggest celebration, Washington D.C. features a free concert performed on the west lawn of the Capitol, which is viewed and heard by millions across the country.

Patriotic music has always been a part of our July 4 celebration. From the Battle Hymn of the Republic to the Star Spangled Banner, you will probably hear these tunes ring out from people across the nation singing these songs as an ode to our country.

One of the most popular songs you will hear in addition to our National Anthem, is God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood. This song is the most widely played and listened to in 21 of our states including Ohio. This song I do love.

Other songs in the nation being played the most on our Independence Day are: Party in the U.S.A.; Born in the U.S.A.; R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A.; America the Beautiful; and American Girl. 

So even if you can’t sing, go to a parade, go to fireworks, please raise that American Flag and remember those who have fought for our freedom. And yes, “God Bless the U.S.A.

What are your plans for July 4? Do you ooo and ahhhh at fireworks? Do you think you will hear any of these songs? Let me know and I’ll give you a Penny for Your Thoughts.