Woodburn Christian Children’s Home Announces Campaign – Expansion!

One of the greatest assets on the Indiana/Ohio border just announced a new Capital Campaign and expansion devoted to helping the lives of young people. The annual meeting for the Woodburn Christian Children’s Home took place on Saturday, March 13 at the Harlan Church of Christ and Christian School. This meeting was much more than the just announcing the 2020 financial report that people expect to hear at these type of meetings.

With one hundred people in attendance and more online, Joe Heins, Executive Director of WCCH, announced new plans to expand the campus located on Nostestine Road near the state line. The Call to Action shows the plans that the Board of Directors have been working on for the past three years, carefully crafting for the coming 2021 groundbreaking. The new plans include a 12500 square foot multi-purpose building for training, counseling, and a gymnasium. Phase 2 will include a new 10-bedroom home to start construction as soon as phase 1 is finished.

The mandate set forth in the Holy Bible states, “to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” from James 1:27. For many years the house parents, directors and many others have made this possible all without government funding or intervention. 

The $1.6 million cost of the new campaign may seem daunting at first but Joe and the board have emphasized that this is the Lord’s building and not theirs. This will get done by God’s people and he quotes the Lord, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). This builds on the faith of Christians who want to see these kids who have not had the greatest of opportunities in life, to become overcomers rather than victims. 

Joe Heins introduces the new Capital Campaign

Adults who have worked at the facility and adults who were actually raised in the facility over the past few decades were in attendance and spoke on how great this will be for children whose lives have been messed up by circumstances beyond their control. The staff and counselors have been training these children for a long time to take advantage of the opportunities that are available in when we are set free by Jesus Christ. 

2020 with the pandemic was a year that churches and other organizations struggled in many ways. Most had events cancelled, if not the whole year postponed. Giving may have been seriously effected. WCCH was not exempt from this, as two of their biggest fundraisers were cancelled last year! Amazingly enough, even without these fundraisers the giving actually increased! Praise God!

What will take to get this Capital Campaign accomplished? It takes good people who will step up, see the need, and answer the call. Over $150,000 has already been pledged by board and staff. Packets were handed out with pledge cards and information. 

Be sure to visit wcchonline.org or contact Joe Heins at joe@wcchonline.org or call 260-632-5551. There is a lot of good news at Woodburn Christian Children’s Home!