Penny For Your Thoughts

By: Nancy Whitaker

Approximately the end of October and also close to my birthday, I decided I wanted anything or someone to take care of. 

I have always tried to “mother “ everything and everybody. Since my kids were all grown, I had this overwhelming desire to get me a pet of some kind, so I could have something to be with me and help fulfill my need to care for something.

My answer came in the form of a little Ragdoll  kitten. Ragdolls are noted for their long fur, cuddles, playing and sleeping.

My kitty was a little boy who I named Honey. 

I thought Honey would be scared in his new surroundings, but, he was not frightened at all, just very curious. 

Honey is a very loveable baby cat and loves to be in the middle of everything. 

If I change or move anything in the house, he has to check it out and give his approval.

If a door to a room or a cupboard door is left open, you can bet Honey will make a mad dash to get through that door and get to what’s on the other side.

It is always daunting to make sure a kitty or any pet eats and enjoys their food.

The very first night, I fed Honey his dinner on a paper plate. He seemed to enjoy his food. The next day I got him out a nice ceramic bowl to eat from and alas, he would not eat. Was it the food? The color of the bowl? 

The next day I put his food back on a paper plate and he ate it. He knew he wanted to eat off of a  plain old paper plate.

He found his litter pan and then one of the very first things he did was crawl up onto my keyboard. 

The keyboard didn’t impress him at all, so I turned it on, played a tune and proceeded to sing. 

Well Honey must not like good old country music,  because he gave me a sly look and hid in a box. I was hoping he would sing or at least meow along.

This little cat has its own personality and seems to know what he wants and when he wants it.

Wanting to dress my cute kitty up for Halloween, I got him a bow tie with pumpkins on it. After struggling to get the tie on him, he bit the bow, walked funny and wanted no part of that nice looking tie. 

I want to buy him a little hat, but I don’t know if he would even leave it on. 

Honey loves following me around the house watching while I do household chores.

He  likes to wait outside the bathroom door whenever any one uses it and will wait patiently till they are done.

Honey has really kept me company during this pandemic.

He doesn’t care if I wear my pjs all day, if I don’t put on makeup or even if I comb my hair. He still climbs up on my lap for some cuddles. 

He is growing really fast and I had to get him a bigger litter box. Our next big step is going back to the vet, getting another shot and some surgery to help him leave the gals alone. 

No, this cat is not a child or a person, but he has brought me a lot of joy and love. Thank God for our pets.

Do you have a pet? Do they bring you a sense of love and responsibility? Would you ever name a cat “Honey?”

Let me know and I’ll give you a Penny for Your Thoughts