Graveyard Tour Boasts Record-breaking Attendance

William H. Phipps portrayed by Tim Boss.
Glendine Crain portrayed by Renee Boss.
Dr. Ray Henry Mouser portrayed by PC Commissioner Mark Holtsberry.
James Lynn portrayed by Scott Strahley.

Live Oak Historic Graveyard Tour took place this past Saturday afternoon, October 17, 2020. It was a windy & cloudy fall day – just perfect for strolling through a graveyard! This is the tour’s 3rd year spotlighting various historical figures of the county of Paulding that are resting in Live Oak Cemetery on Emerald Rd. With hot chocolate in hand, the tours began…

Lying in the mausoleum, the first stop of the tour, William H. Phipps (portrayed by Tim Boss) welcomed attendees to his resting place and told a little about his life in Paulding. He was known for his diligent work as a Republican.

Next, the tour group visited the Crain headstone and were greeted by the youngest Crain, Glendine (portrayed by Renee Boss). She told attendees of her love of hardware and selling wares to her friends and neighbors. She also enjoyed writing letters in the Paulding County Progress of her extensive world travels.

The third historical figure of the tour was one of the county’s resident physicians, Dr. Ray Henry Mouser (portrayed by PC Commissioner, Mark Holtsberry). Dr. Mouser lived in Latty and is a direct ancestor of his reenactor, Commissioner Holtsberry.

The last grave visit of this tour was a humble gentleman by the name of James Lynn (portrayed by Scott Strahley). He was born in Delaware, OH, but through his life’s tragedies and experiences, came to Paulding to settle down. He started a clay tile business, built the Methodist Church, among other entrepreneurship ventures in Paulding. Mr. Lynn was a powerful example of never giving up, and keeping your eyes lifted up.

With record breaking attendance, this year’s event collected $700 and this will be split between CoRP, Community Revitalizing Paulding, and the John Paulding Historical Society. Kim Sutton, president of JPHS, was the research historian that picked the highlighted deceased and she spent hours compiling a condensed biography for each one.