Brown Betty Buster Brown 4H Club Holds Meeting

This past Sunday, October 11, 2020 the Brown Betty Buster Brown 4-H club was in session for our first meeting. At this meeting officers were elected. Congratulations to President Brooke Kilgore, Vice-President Abby Bail, Secretary Avery Cooper, Treasurer Baylor Kilgore, Health Officer Carson Eitniear, Safety Officer Sam Mast, News Reporter Civil Pumphrey and Recreation Officer Thor Etter. 

The four H’s of 4-H are: my HEAD for clearing thinking, my HEART for greater loyalty, my HANDS for larger service and my HEALTH to better living for my club, my community, my country and my world. In this past month’s meeting, we practiced responsibility by making five tie blankets for the Oakwood Community E.L.F  program.

The next meeting will be held on Sunday, November 8th at 4:00 pm at Cooper Community Library in downtown Oakwood. If you are interested in joining our 4-H group you are more than welcome to come. If you have any more questions ask one of the kids listed above or contact the OSU extension office in Paulding!