Hogans Donations Get New Body Cams for Antwerp PD

Jared Hogans (left), along with his wife, Jessica Hogans (right), presents the new body cams to Police Chief George Clemens (middle). Not pictured — Josh Blair.

The Antwerp Alleys recently held a fundraiser for the Antwerp Police Department. Josh Blair, manager of the bowling alley, organized the event and the fundraiser to help the police acquire some equipment that they might need.

The top three winners donated all of their winnings back to the fundraiser and the 20+ bowlers also had part of their entrance fees go directly to the donation.

George Clemens, Police Chief, decided they needed updated body cams to protect the officers and citizens, and the funds were used to purchase this new equipment.

The bowling tournament was held on June 20, 2020 and after the funds came in it was realized they could afford multiple body cams for the officers. 

Jared and his wife, Jessica, own the bowling alley. Jared is also a part time officer on the police force, and has been for three years. Jared stated that he was very appreciative of the donations from businesses and individuals, and with all the effort and time that Josh put in to making this a successful event!