PC Vision Board Debuts “Our Dream of a Million”

Dave Burtch opened up meeting of the Paulding County Vision Board on Tuesday, July 23rd. Opening prayer was by Dave Cramer. 

The vision board members were introduced: Erika Willitzer, John Daeger, Joe Barker, Jerry Zielke, Tony Zartman, Lisa McClure, Mikayla Pieper, Lyn Collis, and DD Miller.

The County Commissioners have voiced that they are behind this initiative 100% and are excited to see things progress in the county.

“Our Dream of a Million” video was debuted for the attendees of the meeting. Erika Willitzer compiled it with interviews of local community leaders about their dreams for their home. This video is meant to be positive encouragement to the people of Paulding County. Using this video the VB is hoping to get some of the areas to unite for grant funding. “This will facilitate the best place to live n the whole state, “ stated Dave Burtch.

All of the local communities have goals of improving the quality of life in their respective communities and if they can unite then larger grants can then be applied for. 

Broughton is planning a park with new playground – they have not had one in 30-35 years. 

Antwerp will be working on an Observation Deck and Hillside area with fit trails.

Grover Hill will be installing new playground equipment. 

Paulding is working on new soccer fields and a lot at Lela McGuire Jeffery Park.

Payne is creating a new park named Buckeye Park.

There are several projects that have fallen under the category of “Paulding County Project” because they affect most everyone in Paulding County. These projects include a mobile hydraulic state for use at all outdoor events by county non-profits; a citizens academy by the Paulding County Sheriff Office; creation of downtown improvement programs; county-wide branding strategy; and a housing study which has been sponsored by Paulding Putnam Electric Coop.

Erika spoke next about her dreams for Paulding County. She believes firmly that we have to be able to fight for the quality of life in Paulding County. There are a lot of issues that need to be tackled – quality of housing, economic development and transportation – to name a few.

‘The people of Paulding County is the assets’ we are about community and networking. 

There are no 100% grants anymore so there has to be dollars in the game from the investment in this community. ‘We have to start working together.’

This is our ‘dream of a million’.

Joe Barker spoke next and shared his “dream of a million”.

When he came on a year and a half ago there was already momentum. He asked himself, “What do I know that can help them?” He talked then about partnerships – Fit trail in the village of Antwerp was a partnership with PCH. PPEC pledged $15,000 so that the survey could be done.

Next on the agenda was, EDP Renewables’, Erin Bowser. She started in 2008 helping people understand the wind farms. They have built a lot of partnerships over the years. She said she is very proud of what Paulding County is doing. EDP Renewables has pledged $25,000 to the vision board. They are making the pledge here in Paulding County. They believe in “Our Dream of a Million” in Paulding County.

Pledge cards are available for those who would like to see changes and support the vision board group! 

The Paulding County Vision Board’s “Our Dream of a Million” is an initiative to raise funds for the Quality of Life projects mentioned above. With a grassroots movement coordinated by this board, these communities’ visions will be contagious and the quality of life in this small county will be envied by other communities.

If you would like to make a pledge or contribution to “Our Dream of a Million”, send monies to Paulding County Area Foundation, 1001 E Perry St., Paulding, OH 45879. Memo: Vision Board. You can also designate for specific projects.