JANUARY 26, 2019 9:00a.m. – 2:00p.m.


Vendors, Local Business & Volunteers,

I’m organizing a fundraiser for NIGHT TO SHINE, DEFIANCE. NIGHT TO SHINE is a prom for those with developmental disabilities and is an event sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation. The Family Christian Center(FCC) in Defiance is the host of our local NIGHT TO SHINE and this event is open to HONORED GUESTS and VOLUNTEERS from the surrounding counties, including Paulding County. 

To host this year’s NIGHT TO SHINE, FCC must collect $13,000. Activities they will be providing include, but are not limited to: dancing, music, dinner, karaoke, photo booth, games, dresses, tuxedos, clothing alterations, hair stylists, make-up, shoe shining, transportaion, corsages, red carpet and much, much more! This entire event is free of charge to HONORED GUESTS and VOLUNTEERS.

Why am I doing this? Last year, at NIGHT TO SHINE, I was the buddy of a young lady from Antwerp. I have previously worked at Parc Lane and PC Workshop as a sub aide, bus aide, sub busdriver and sub workshop supervisor. During that time, I came to know and love many of the people I worked with and many of them are still like family to me. Paired with my enthusiasm for volunteering, I thought this would be a great opportunity to help those I really care about and “pay it forward”. I have been organizing vendor bingos for a few years and thought this would make a great combination. My goal is to raise a minimum of $1500!

Now, what I am looking for. 

*Vendors: Direct sales or local businesses.

*Table Sponsors: Get a “corner” on one of the vendor tables to advertise your business. You’ll get a “sign” with any info you would like to share about your business and space for business cards, flyers brochures, give aways, etc. (need not be present at the event, but you are more than welcome to attend!)

*Raffle/Silent Auction items:Donate something from your business or personally for the raffle. Include info about your business.

*Volunteers: Bingo callers(so I don’t lose my voice!), bingo helpers, greeters, concessions, vendor helpers {wear your business proudly and show people that you are supporting this great event!}

*Guests: Come on out the day of the show, support our vendors and play some bingo!

Thank you so much for helping in any way you can. If you would like to conact me:

Tara Miller

(419)594-3516 (leave a message)

On Facebook: Tara Rinebolt Miller