Banks: Earmarks are the Antithesis of Draining the Swamp

Congressman Jim Banks (IN-03) participated in an event hosted by Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) to unveil the 26th edition of the “Congressional Pig Book,” an annual published collection of wasteful federal spending. To watch the press conference, click here.

“This might be the most unpopular book party in Washington, but this is important in our efforts to continue the ban on earmarks and the battle against pork-barrel spending,” said Banks.

“As a new member of Congress, it is laughable to me that whenever there is a perception of gridlock, D.C. insiders always insist that bringing back earmarks is the only ‘reasonable’ solution. While I certainly share the frustration of those wanting to see action on important policy, enabling corruption and wasteful spending is not the answer. I will continue to fight against earmarks, the antithesis of what the American people elected us to do when they asked us to drain the swamp.”