Paulding County Libraries to Showcase 3D Printers

Visit your favorite branch on Monday, July 2nd to see a 3D printer in action. Because of generous funding of the Ann Sherry Foundation, the library was able to acquire 3D printers for each location. 

“We wanted to add this important resource to our Maker and Creative Spaces in order to introduce this technology to patrons of all ages,” shared Susan Pieper, Director of libraries. “The printers are part of our resources that provide “hands-on” experience in a variety of skills. These resources can help spark the interest in a variety of technology and trades and may encourage young people to further pursue an interest they were introduced to at the library. These resources may also identify an aptitude towards a manufacturing job.”

“Young patrons throughout Paulding County may not have readily available to them the tools and equipment they could use to study Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM). Living in a rural area many times puts citizens at a disadvantage when it comes to having access to centers of hands-on learning in a safe and secure environment,” continued Pieper.

The libraries in Paulding County are “continuous learning centers” and not only have traditional library services such as books, magazines, newspapers, music and movies, but now provide resources that supplement workforce development and lifelong learning.

During the 3D open house events, visitors will be able to choose from examples of 3D objects to print for themselves. Library staff will be ready to answer questions at any time during normal library open hours. The open house will be held at the main library from 9:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. and at branches from noon until 7:30. 

The following resources are currently a part of, or soon will be added, to the library’s Maker and Creative Spaces: 3D printer, building and construction sets, button-making machines, chemistry (2018), coding games, Legos, Lincoln Logs, microscope (2018), painting classes, reasoning games, robotics (2018), rocketry (2018), sewing machines, Tinker Toys and a weaving loom.

For more information about the library’s Maker and Creative Spaces call library director, Susan Pieper at 419-399-2032.