This week at Kiwanis

This week Kiwanis member Susan Pieper with the Paulding County Carnegie Library displayed the library’s new interactive database. The Online Newspaper Archive is a new program released by the library that allows anyone to search old newspapers dating back to 1859 all the way to 2016. Local genealogy groups helped with the research that went into the creation of the program. The database will allow anyone to search names, events, and keywords that will then be highlighted and found in a slue of old newspapers including the Paulding Democrat, and the Paulding County Republican newspapers that merged to create the Paulding Progress. Pieper walked Kiwanis members through the process of searching for information and how to narrow a search to find exactly what you’re looking for when researching. Kiwanis members got to dive into the program and search many interesting topics, names, and even searched Kiwanis Club. The Online Newspaper Archive can be found on the library’s front page at If you have any questions are need some assistance using the resource, you can call 419-399-2032 for help. Members enjoyed the program and are eager to use the new resource themselves. Kiwanis meets next Thursday, February 22nd over lunch as usual.