Warning On Door To Door Sales In Antwerp

Antwerp Residents should be aware that anyone selling directly to your home is required to have a signed permit from Police Chief George Clemens. If the door to door sales person can not produce this permit, do not leave them into your home and call the police department at 419-258-2627 to report them.  The Village has posted at the corporation limits that sales people going door to door are required to get a permit.  There has been recent reports of sales people being in Antwerp without the permit and not having the best intentions in mind. So please ask for the signed permit and do not allow anyone in your house that does not have a up-to-date, signed permit. Please feel free to talk to the police department at any time if you see or are approached by anymore trying to persuade you to let you have them entered your house. Again the police department phone number is 419-258-2627.