1938 FootBall Team’s Final Home In Hall of Records

Stan presents the 1938 Football team poster. The team was undefeated and unscored upon, the only team in Ohio that year and the only team ever at Antwerp to achieve this goal.

Stan presents the 1938 Football team poster. The team was undefeated and unscored upon, the only team in Ohio that year and the only team ever at Antwerp to achieve this goal.

By: Stan Jordan

On Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at the Antwerp High School there was a program for the Winter Athletic Awards for 2015 – 2016.

I asked Mr. Altimus if I could have eight or ten minutes to talk a little about those 24 boys and the two coaches in that picture. He said, “Take all the time you want.”

The picture is of the Antwerp High School football team of 1938. That fine team played five games and were undefeated, untied and un–scored upon, the only team with that record in the state of Ohio that fall.

Mr Ehrhart took a picture of the team at that time. Mr. Bryce Steiner, of the West Bend Printing Co., took that 8 X 10 photo and enlarged it to be 41 inches by 29 inches. A fine job! That picture was 78 years old.

In this picture there were 11 seniors, 4 juniors, 3 sophomores and 6 freshmen. All eleven men on the field played both ways, offense and defense. Defense was the name of the game. We averaged about 20 points per game. We were mostly defense, not so much offense.

That was 78 years ago and we played on what is now the outfield of the ball diamond north of Woodcox Street.

We played one more year and then they dropped football for a while for a number of reasons.

I want to thank Tim Copsey, Mr. Altimas, Dr. Miller, Bryce Steiner of West Bend News, the staff of Antwerp High School and the students, on behalf of the fellows in the picture, for the courtesies extended that night.

I knew all the boys and they would be proud to know that the picture is being hung in the hallowed halls of Antwerp High School.

I am very proud to be a part of that team and having a part in getting the picture enlarged and presenting it to the people for all time. Many thanks to all involved.

See Ya!