Maple Syrup Brunch at 4-H Camp Palmer-Sunday, March 20

Maple sap is flowing earlier this season, over 300 taps put in.

Maple sap is flowing earlier this season, over 300 taps put in.

The public is invited Sunday, March 20 between 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. to 4-H Camp Palmer, to learn about Maple Syrup making, ride on wagon rides both horse drawn and tractor drawn, and eat in our dining hall a brunch with real maple syrup (as long as our supply lasts) for the pancakes. You will also get to see a sneak peak of  4-H Camp Palmer’s facilities and main camp.

At 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. you can view a Maple Syrup history lesson in the Sauder Recreation Hall. You can see maple trees that have been taped and see ongoing Maple Syrup making in the main camp.

4-H Camp Palmer is located in western Fulton County at 26450 County Rd. MN, Fayette, Ohio 43521. For more information on the Maple Syrup Brunch please call 419-237-2247 or