FFC has Successful Valentine’s Dinner

FFC Dinner winners

The second annual Valentine Dinner was again a great success. The couples and individuals who came out on one of the coldest nights of the year were not disappointed. A delicious fine dining meal, music by Larry Noirot, a special memory photo by Deb Gamble of God’s Paint Photography Walmart, and to over a dozen door prizes, made it a night to remember. One lucky couple, Ron and Mary Eix (pictured above), won the grand prize of a fabulous getaway night at Don Hall’s Hotel and Conference Center, which included a romantic dinner for two, a luxurious hotel night accommodation and special breakfast. First Friends Church would like to express appreciate to the local businesses: Wal-Mart, Marsh, Fetting’s Flowers, McCoy’s Flowers, Flowers B, Pizza Hut, Dairy Queen, Brookside, Subway South, Lee Kinstle GM, Greve Chrysler, Quick Lube, Advance Auto, Olympic Lanes, and God’s Paint Photography for their generous support of the Valentine Dinner. Pastor Paul also shared how proud he is of the labor of love and hard work of the people of First Friends put into the Valentine Dinner. Unlike most churches, where 20% of the people do most of the work, at First Friends everyone joyously works together to reach the broken, needy, and hurting of their area. As one person commented, First Friends is the small church that does big things for God.

This  dinner went towards First Friends Church’s Hand-Up ministry assisting those who are struggling in our area. The Hand-Up ministry is part of First Friends mission of being a church “Caring for our Communities”. The Hand-Up ministry is where First Friends with their limited finances, assists those in need as they give back doing some type of work according to their ability. They believe that those in need benefit more by giving them a Hand-Up not just a hand-out.

First Friends Church realizes our communities are as strong as our families. As with many areas of our lives every so often we need a tune-up. Realizing way too many relationships are struggling and that over half of marriages end in divorce, First Friends will be presenting to our couples and communities life giving resources to invigorate and strengthen relationships. So coming in March First Friends will be offering a series that will allow couples to discern how to again fill what Dr. Gary Chapman calls their love tank. With the many pressures put on relationships by the stresses of today, couples need tools to help keep their relationships fresh and full of the love that lasts a lifetime.

Pastor Paul and Susie started a relationship that began as high school sweet hearts and has spanned close to 44 years of marriage. They have taught relationship series locally, nationally, and even internationally over 36 years of ministry and have seen scores of relationship renewed and refreshed. Presently they are traveling to Georgia to teach and impart insight to restore relationships. They believe there is hope for struggling relationships to be strengthened and good relationships to become great again. So no matter where your relationship is, there is hope. For more information and to register for the series contact Pastor Paul by calling 419-771-9378 or emailing 771hope@gmail.com