September 8, 2015:

Mayor Hoeppner, Councilman Renner, Gerig and Voirol, Treasurer Sarrazine, Superintendent Walls and Chief Duhamell were present.

7:00 pm – Pledge

Police Department:

Woodburn Police Reserves logged 97 hours in August. The 3rd annual Front Street Drags was a success with an estimated $1,700 being raised for the reserve dept. WPD responded to 100 calls of service in August. The new Dodge Ram police vehicle has been ordered from Dunham Motors of Angola with a reported 6-10 week delivery date. There is a new mandate from the Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board that requires all reserve officers to complete the regular training required by paid officers.


A resident made a comment that it was nice to have Janet Palmer back after an extended illness. The same resident gave a shout out to Councilman Voirol for addressing the grass clipping issue Pronto. He also would like to have something put in the paper about burning trash (which is not allowed inside city limits).

In closing the same resident would like to see the “bump outs” lite up to make more visible.

A resident involved with the Dinner on Main Street reported that it was a success and thank all who were involved for their participation.

A business owner (101 Bowl) asked approval to put an awning on his business on Main Street. Councilman Renner made a motion to grant permission to put on the awning, Councilman Voirol 2nd the motion, all approved, motion carried.


The Keller Group will have a public input meeting on 16th in the blue room. They are planning a senior citizen apartments for 55+ unless there is a disability and then they can be younger. There will be bidding on the Elementary School towards the end of the month. Earth First presented the city with a quote to continue the recycling on Front Street for the county residents. The cost is $1,683 per month. The city cannot fund it so it will be discontinued and county residents will need to take their recycling to either the Leo recycling site or the Monroeville site since Allen County Waste Management does not have it in their budget to fund it. The inspection of the Main Street project will be 9/9/15 at 1:00 p.m. The Mayor went on to say that he would like to see the planters maintained by a professional so there is not a hodgepodge of plants appearing in the planters. Ben Schmucker would like us to fix a leak at a curb box in the Hamptons. The Mayor agreed to fix it. The utilities have not been granted over to the city yet. Mr. Schmucker will need to write a letter to that effect and it will have to be done under the advisement of the city attorney. Nelson Peters presented the city with a proclamation for 150 years.


Meeting minutes for prior council meeting were presented. Councilman Gerig made a motion to approve, Councilman Voirol 2nd all approved, motion carried.

Warrants were presented for payment Councilman Voirol made a motion to approve, Councilman Renner 2nd, all approved motion carried.

Superintendent Walls:

Ben Adams from Co Commonwealth Engineering is looking at the ammonia removal per IDEM’s mandate. The project looks to be between $300,000 to $500,000. There was a water main break on Carl Street. The trash pump needed to repair the water main break is still out borrowed by the Fire Department during the flooding. City Utilities have an agreement with IDEM to spend $75,000 per year to repair lines/manholes to limit the flow into the ponds. There are nine manholes on the west side of the high school that need fixed $13,725 (estimated by Cooley). Councilman Voirol made a motion to go forward with the repairs using Cooley. Councilman Gerig 2nd all approved, motion carried.

Miller Pipeline gave us a quote for 8”, 10” and 12” relining for manholes 301-312 on Southwest side of the city for $20,000. Councilman Renner made a motion to approve Miller Pipeline to do the work. Councilman Voirol 2nd, all approved, motion carried.

John Deere has a 60” lawnmower  with 36 hp for $15,000. Heckley’s has the same mower we purchased last year with 27 hp for $12,900. The John Deere is a heftier mower.

Councilman Rice – Absent

Councilman Renner:

The hole on Hetrick?  Ryan to get patcher from Grabill after the festival.

Councilman Gerig:

There are two lights that do not stay lit very long they are A40466 at Stenger and Carl and A404-63 at Stenger and College. There is also one on Fahlsing Road that have been out for a while now A405- 79.  AEP is replacing the pole on Tile Mill Road and on Ash/Bull Rapids.

Councilman Voirol:

Talked with a resident who was mowing and asked him not to blow grass onto the street and he agreed to work with us. Stopped in and talked with a business in town about weeds in their landscaping that has been ignored.

Councilman Renner made a motion to adjourn, Councilman Gerig 2nd; adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

All meetings are recorded.  If you would like to request an audio of a meeting, please call City hall to request a copy.

Meeting minutes prepared by Treasurer Sarrazine.