Large Crowds at Harlan Days 2014

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA This year at the event in northeast Allen County, Harlan Days was prepared for the small kids to the grandparents. There was something for everyone. The Lions Club french fries is always considered a favorite with its tasty, fresh cut spuds. It’s in the same location it has been for years. Harlan Days chicken was back in the steel tent, the foodies always remember about this fair. There was also free hot dogs and drinks for those with coupons from the newspaper.

Thursday night, Bekah Bradley was there performing on stage for the crowds. Last year when she attempted the concert, the rains came down and came down, and kept coming down. Thunder and lightning eventually convinced the Fair Committee to close down early. In 2014 this was not the case.


Josh Gorrell scores for ‘Woodlan’ in the basketball tournament on Friday night.

The weather couldn’t have been better for the whole weekend. According to Fort Wayne International Airport, this was the second coldest July on record. This extended into the first two days of August too, giving the crowds and vendors great reasons to be at the fair.

Saturday dawned foggy and a little chilly, but, by the time the parade participants lined up at the school, the haze was giving way to a beautiful summer’s day! And the fair-goers came ready for the parade and certainly the candy!

Lined for the classic rides were the young people and adults from all over. One carnival ride that has consistently been there since the dawn of time is the Rock-O-Plane. No one gets tired of it! It has been years since the lines where this long at the rides. Youngsters love the car ride. Sure, all the cars go in circles, but they drive and drive anyway. They have their horns honking just like they are on a real road! By the end of the night the Ride Operator was needed ear plugs. The kids had a lot of fun!

Along with all of the entertainment, Mike Hemmelgarn was back with his puppets from Dayton, Ohio, juggling and family friendly humor there wasn’t a glum face in the crowd.
This annual event brings the memories back to us who grew up every year looking forward to the end of July. And that’s what Harlan Days is — a timeless piece of simplicity that brings people from all over back year after year.


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