Latta: FCC Media Study Rightfully Terminated

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green), Vice-Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Communications and Technology Subcommittee, today issued the following statement after learning the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has cancelled its “Critical Information Needs” study, which would have placed federal officials in the newsroom, so the FCC could monitor the news process and methods by which stories are selected.

“I am pleased that the FCC has rightfully terminated its plans to conduct a ‘Critical Information Needs’ study that would have improperly investigated the editorial decisions of the media,” said Congressman Latta. “The Constitution is the cornerstone of our great democracy, and the preservation of our First Amendment is paramount to the future of this country. As such, the federal government must be a leader in protecting our constitutional rights and freedoms.”

Congressman Latta called on the FCC to cancel this media study earlier this week, stating that it appeared to violate First Amendment rights. He first raised concerns about the study in December, when he joined the Republican members of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee on a letter to the FCC, which expressed dismay at the study, urged the Commission to suspend its plans immediately, and requested that it seek appropriate and lawful ways to meet its responsibilities.