Sleep Your Way to Health

Sleep Your Way to Health

Jill Starbuck

Jill Starbuck

The Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck

Everyone loves a good night of sleep. However, studies show that the majority of Americans are sleep-deprived. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep. The problem is that many of us are so used to the lack of sleep that we feel it is normal. Yet, not meeting the required amount of sleep on a daily basis can create many unwanted effects. Some of these effects include weight gain, blurred vision, lack of coordination, exhaustion, a weakened immune system, and memory loss.

To avoid the bad effects of sleep deprivation, work on getting the recommended hours of sleep. Here are some tips to help you do that.

  • Set a routine. Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time daily, even on weekends. Your body will naturally develop a good habit of getting quality sleep when it follows a routine.
  • Exercise. Those who exercise get into an easier sleep mode than those who don’t. However, make sure you do your workouts several hours before bedtime.
  • Lighten up. Avoid heavy or spicy meals in the evening and save caffeinated beverages for earlier in the day.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking. The stimulants from nicotine and alcohol wreak havoc on sleep patterns.
  • Cool it. Reduce the temperature in the evenings. Cooler rooms aid in a restful night.
  • Black it out. The darker the room, the better you’ll sleep. Even the slightest light triggers your brain to wake up. This means that you should shut off all electronic devices about an hour before your bedtime to allow your mind and body to prepare for sleep.

Getting adequate sleep is one of the best ways to improve overall health. Better yet, it doesn’t cost a thing. Sweet dreams!